The Russian Health Ministry has announced that it has developed a vaccine against cancer which will be administered free of cost to cancer patients in Russia from early 2025. The name of this cancer vaccine has not been disclosed yet. Russia has developed its own mRNA vaccine against cancer, other countries are also working on similar projects.
Today, the whole world is troubled by a serious disease like cancer. Meanwhile, Russia has made a big announcement to solve this disease, Russia said that it has made a cancer vaccine, which will be available to all citizens for free. According to state media, Andrey Kaprin, head of the Ministry of Health’s Radiology Medical Research Center, said the shot would launch in early 2025. According to reports, Russia has developed its own mRNA vaccine against cancer.

The Russian Health Ministry has announced that it has developed a vaccine against cancer that will be administered free of cost to cancer patients in Russia from early 2025. According to Russian state-owned news agency TASS, Andrey Kaprin, general director of the Russian Ministry of Health’s Radiology Medical Research Center, gave information about this vaccine on a Russian radio channel.
This vaccine will apparently be used to treat cancer patients. Russian government scientists have commented that each shot is registered to the individual patient, similar to cancer vaccines being developed in the West. At present it is not clear which cancer this vaccine is designed to treat, how effective it is or how Russia plans to implement it. The name of the vaccine has not been revealed.
Like the rest of the world, cancer rates are rising in Russia, with more than 635,000 cases expected in 2022. Colon, breast and lung cancer are believed to be the most common forms of the disease in the country. In the same way that traditional vaccines use viruses to prevent disease, these use harmless proteins from the surface of cancer cells, known as antigens. When these antigens are introduced to the body, it should stimulate the immune system to develop antibodies against them. Other countries are also working to develop their own personalized cancer vaccines.
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The Russian Health Ministry has announced that it has developed a cancer vaccine. Early next year, these medicines will be given to Russian citizens for free. It is said that this vaccine will not be given to cancer patients, but will be used to protect people from cancer. Andrey Kaprin, Director General of the Radiology Medical Research Center of the Russian Health Ministry, gave this information. However, there are still many questions about this vaccine. For example, what kind of cancer will it treat and what will be its name?
Alexander Gintsburg, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, has given information to the news agency TASS about the vaccine. According to this, pre-clinical trials of the vaccine have been done. During this, it has been found that this vaccine suppresses tumor growth and possible metastasis. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin had said that Russian scientists are close to creating a vaccine for cancer. He said that this vaccine may soon be available to patients.

However, it is not clear about the new vaccine as to what kind of cancer it will be effective in treating. Apart from this, its name has also not been told yet. Many other countries are also working on similar projects. For example, the British government has signed a contract with the German-based BioNTech Company for personalized cancer treatment.
Earlier, Gintsburg had said that the calculation time required to create a personalized cancer vaccine using artificial neural networks could be reduced to less than an hour. Pharmaceutical companies Moderna and Merck & Co are developing an experimental cancer vaccine. According to the study, treatment with this vaccine for three years reduces the chances of dying from a dangerous skin disease called melanoma by half.